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From Markey's Heart

Enduring, Overcoming, and Winning Through a Storm

Life is filled with challenges—moments where the winds of uncertainty blow harshly, where the waves of doubt crash relentlessly. For professional women, these storms can often feel overwhelming. Balancing a demanding career, personal responsibilities, and the inner struggles of doubt and fear can sometimes feel like navigating a tempest without a compass. But here’s the truth: every storm you face is an opportunity to grow stronger, wiser, and more powerful. 

The key to enduring and overcoming these storms lies not in avoiding them, but in facing them with unwavering courage and determination. It’s in these challenging moments that your true resilience is forged. You may not control the storm, but you can control how you respond to it.


Win from the Beginning is a book full of inspiration and encouragement that sheds light on my journey, overcoming loss, and my success principles. This project is a dear collaboration with other powerful motivators.

Commitment, Resiliency, and Faith - these principles can transform your personal and professional life.

​​​​​​​From rags to riches, I share my secrets that will help you to triumph over adversity in WIN From The Beginning.

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Funding Public Schools in the United States and Indian Country is a must read for any educator, political leader and parent. Learn innovative new ways to fund K-12 education from thought leaders who have championed public school funding.

I share my work on K-12 education in the Louisiana State Legislature, which led to the implementation of Jump Start. The high school technical career diploma program allowed hundreds of thousands of students to pursue lucrative careers after high school. Jump Start, dual enrollment, and other key K-12 initiatives are funded through the Louisiana Supplemental Course Allocation and Career Development Fund (CDF), created by legislation that Dr. Pierré helped to push through the Louisiana State Legislature.

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Book Dr. Markey W. Pierre' For Your Next Keynote 

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 Bridge the Divide

Each boardroom has missing links, biased views, and sedimentary ways of thinking. These are all things, if left unaddressed, that will stunt the growth of companies, ostracize, and provoke rejection of the progressive pursuit of inclusive leadership. Through conceptual and educational processes, Dr. Markey will effecti...More

Each boardroom has missing links, biased views, and sedimentary ways of thinking. These are all things, if left unaddressed, that will stunt the growth of companies, ostracize, and provoke rejection of the progressive pursuit of inclusive leadership. Through conceptual and educational processes, Dr. Markey will effectively demonstrate the need and benefit of having unique views & voices at round-tables while connecting the intersections of diversity and inclusion. Consumers, clients, company culture, and capital will be positively affected by the good changes in policy and procedure addressed during this reality checking speech. 



Born to Win

This high energy session will excavate the roots of generational limitations, propensities, and the celebration of mediocrity. Throughout this session, each audience member will have a bird's eye view of the impoverished start of Dr. Markey while being led towards a testimony of triumph, victory, abundance, restoration...More

This high energy session will excavate the roots of generational limitations, propensities, and the celebration of mediocrity. Throughout this session, each audience member will have a bird's eye view of the impoverished start of Dr. Markey while being led towards a testimony of triumph, victory, abundance, restoration, and determination. The energy provoked by this session will cause each listener to believe winning is their birthright. 



Flying Without Wings

Through riveting storytelling, thought provoking questioning, and bold encouraging statements; each audience member will leave empowered to overcome mental blocks, discouraging self-talk, and limiting core beliefs. During this amazing speech, Dr. Markey shares intimate details of overcoming the shock of being a widow a...More

Through riveting storytelling, thought provoking questioning, and bold encouraging statements; each audience member will leave empowered to overcome mental blocks, discouraging self-talk, and limiting core beliefs. During this amazing speech, Dr. Markey shares intimate details of overcoming the shock of being a widow and a single parent by the age of twenty. Learn how she transitioned from being ignorant concerning the balancing a checkbook to being responsible for multi seven-figure budgets. This session will truly motivate everyone to do and be more.



✓ Virginia K. Shehee Most Influential Woman
✓ Most Influential Woman of the Year

Special Honors

✓ Member of The Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board


"I have the highest regard for Dr. Pierré, not only for what she has overcome, but also for the sincerity of her message. She has a unique ability to capture her audiences with an amazing positive energy and to share her story while providing people with hope.​​​​​​​"

 - Senator Gerald Boudreaux

"Considered one of Louisiana's most inspiring advocacy leaders, Dr. Markey Pierre's triumphant life story is about defying seemingly insurmountable beginnings as a child left to be raised by her grandparents. As told in her memoir, WIN from the Beginning, her motivation to become a woman of resilience, determination and vision inspires all other women to WIN and learn from their obstacles and restore positive thinking..."

- Dr. Janet Pope, Executive Director Louisiana School Board Association