Win from the Beginning is a book full of inspiration and encouragement that sheds light on my journey, overcoming loss, and my success principles. This project is a dear collaboration with other powerful motivators.
Commitment, Resiliency, and Faith - these principles can transform your personal and professional life.
From rags to riches, I share my secrets that will help you to triumph over adversity in WIN From The Beginning.
Funding Public Schools in the United States and Indian Country is a must read for any educator, political leader and parent. Learn innovative new ways to fund K-12 education from thought leaders who have championed public school funding.
I share my work on K-12 education in the Louisiana State Legislature, which led to the implementation of Jump Start. The high school technical career diploma program allowed hundreds of thousands of students to pursue lucrative careers after high school. Jump Start, dual enrollment, and other key K-12 initiatives are funded through the Louisiana Supplemental Course Allocation and Career Development Fund (CDF), created by legislation that Dr. Pierré helped to push through the Louisiana State Legislature.
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