

I’m Happy About the Changes, But there’s Room for More

It’s a good day when you can look around you and see the positive changes taking place in our world. With the mid-terms behind us, the tide seems to be shifting in a better direction. And yet there is still so much to be done.

I’m happy we have a run-off between two black men in the state of Georgia. I’m happy we had a black woman run for governor in the state. I’m happy we have women standing up for women's rights who are well respected in their fields. I’m happy we have a black woman holding a position in the highest court in our nation. There is so much that I’m happy about! There’s so much for you to be happy about. But there is certainly room for more, and we all have a part to play if positive change is to continue.

Freedom for All is Necessary

What is freedom, and why it is so important? Freedom is the ability to make our own decisions. Freedom to think and speak our minds without fear of retribution. Freedom is choosing our own path in life, and to associate with like-minded individuals. To create our own unique story. This is why freedom is such a basic human right. To not have freedom is to not believe in ourselves. Without freedom for all, our world lives in constant turmoil.

People enjoy freedom when they’re allowed to develop in a way that’s best for them. This is necessary in order to trust – and trust is a key element in leadership and in life in general. For example, you need the trust of your work team to believe in you as a viable leader, and more importantly, if you want them to work towards a common goal. The best way to build that trust is to give them the freedom to do their job, as long as it is within the parameters of the common goal. Freedom also allows us to make mistakes and learn from them.

Race Isn’t a Choice

It’s such an obvious statement, isn’t it? And yet there are people who don’t take this into account when racial injustice happens. While we cannot control what race we are, we can control how we feel about it, and about ourselves. But that’s not to say we should ignore race altogether. We can acknowledge race and still treat everyone equally. What a novel concept!

Race should be looked upon as contributing to the miraculous diversity of our society. How race affects our culture, our dynamics…all the way down to how we view the world. It should be more about noticing the wonderful differences in our world rather than a difference to be feared. Because fear is the root of all racism, after all. Instead of fearing something you don’t understand, why not be curious about it? Want to learn more about it?

Pursue Great Opportunities Even When Brown is Nowhere to be Found

Even today, women are advancing in the workplace, but women of color still lag behind and is especially true in the underrepresentation of women of color employed in professional occupations. In a sea of white faces, people of color, and especially female women of color, rarely appear. And when they do, it is still jarring on a fundamental level to many.

But that should not stop women of color to pursue their dreams. For every great advancement in our society, someone had to step out of bounds and defy the status quo in order for positive change to happen. Part of the responsibility of all of us is to embrace that change. To encourage those that want to make a difference, to excel. Color of skin be damned.

Take Your Career to the Next Level

If you are a woman who is interested in taking your career to the next level, then it’s vital that you develop an outline of the steps that you need to take to get there. This will ensure that you are focused on what is needed to succeed and that you do not make a mistake along the way.

This will also ensure that you do not become overwhelmed or disillusioned along the way. It’s also important to remember that advancing your career is not easy, and that it may take years of hard work.

Be the Example of Courage

And so courage must be the rule, instead of the exception. There are so many different ways we can practice courage and be courageous. I know a true story of a young girl who was bullied at school and battled severe anxiety. She quit school at 14 and was in and out of hospitals for several years, until she gathered up the courage to come to her mother’s book signing in a room full of people.

She was so inspired by her mother that she dreamed of speaking in front of a large group about her journey. So what happened? She put her mind to it and through much trial and tribulation, two years later got up in front of her school of 300 and told her story. There was not a dry eye in the room. This is the courage we can all aspire to.

But other than taking huge strides, we can also do little things daily that take courage. Such as saying we’re sorry, to take accountability and responsibility for our actions, to keep our commitments, and to make lofty goals. To have a voice and say no when the situation calls for it. To let go and forgive. The list goes on.

Be the Example of Freedom

With all of the above in mind, what is your idea of freedom? Whatever it is, exemplify it. Embrace it. Demonstrate your freedom to others, every day. But remember to do it with kindness, humility, and empathy towards others.

Freedom is all about the right to follow your own path and be different, even in the face of adversity. To not live in the shadow of another’s hate or prejudice. Because remember, that is all about fear. Be the antithesis and the antidote to fear.

Embrace the fact that even though we may dress, act, or practice a religion different from others, we are all still the same. We all have families, goals, responsibilities, and desires. Let that fact alone break down barriers to give us even more freedom.

The Last Word

Finally, it’s important to be happy and to celebrate just how far we’ve come as a nation, community, and world. Don’t be disappointed or discouraged when you see an unfair situation. Instead, be fueled to make an impact. Be fueled to step up. Be fueled to encourage. And most importantly, be happy about the power you possess to make a difference.